New 20,000-Seat Stadium Planned for RNA Showgrounds During Gabba Upgrade

Amidst the redevelopment of the Gabba for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Brisbane’s RNA Showgrounds is poised to become a key player in the city’s sporting landscape.

A boutique 20,000-seat stadium will be constructed at Brisbane’s inner-city RNA Showgrounds under a state government plan to host AFL and cricket fixtures while the Gabba is redeveloped.

“Upgrading the RNA main arena means keeping the big games in Brisbane and supporting the visitor economy while delivering an Ekka legacy for uniting city and country,” he said.

“Most Queenslanders acknowledge cricket and the AFL will need somewhere to play during the Gabba redevelopment.

“With many families facing cost-of-living pressures, the upgrade of RNA’s main arena is a logical solution, representing the best value for money for Queenslanders.”

Mr Hinchliffe also acknowledged the support of Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner – who has been a vocal supporter of the RNA upgrade – and said he wanted to thank him for his “public backing for an upgrade of the historic main arena at the RNA Showgrounds and retaining the economic benefits of sport and jobs here in Brisbane”.

Under the deal, the government has also demanded the venue be only 12,000 seats in “legacy mode” after the Games – to ensure events are not taken away from the rebuilt Gabba, which is costing $2.7bn to redevelop.

Mr Hinchliffe said work on the RNA main arena would need to begin by next year to be ready for the 2025-26 cricket season and the 2026 start of the Gabba redevelopment.

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